MS in Mechanical Engineering

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Program Overview

Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÒÅÆ's Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering (MSME) is designed to serve the needs of practicing engineers, and those aspiring to an advanced degree in mechanical engineering and related specializations. Students will have the option of specializing in one of two broad concentrations: thermal systems or mechanical systems.

No matter which field you chose, you will receive instruction and guidance in effective learning environments, using an intuitive curriculum. You will also be able to identify, formulate, and solve advanced problems, and gain the techniques, skills, and modern analytical and software tools necessary to thrive in mechanical engineering.

The aim of the MSME program is to achieve the following objectives:

  • Students will be educated in methods of advanced engineering analysis, including the mathematical and computational skills required for advanced problem solving. They will be trained to develop the skills and the ability to formulate solutions to problems, to think independently and creatively, to synthesize and integrate information/data, and to work and communicate effectively.
  • Students will be provided with in-depth knowledge that will allow them to apply innovative techniques to problems and utilize the tools they need to focus on new applications.
  • Students will avail themselves of a breadth of knowledge that fosters an awareness of and skills for interdisciplinary approaches to engineering problems.
  • Undergraduate students in mechanical, aerospace, civil, chemical, industrial, and manufacturing engineering have the opportunity to pursue, upon completion of their undergraduate studies, a graduate program that would allow them broader career paths and leadership roles in the mechanical engineering area. Students outside the above engineering fields (e.g. physics, applied mathematics, etc.) will be assigned to take specific bridge courses in their area of specialization interest to meet the course prerequisite.

Industry at a Glance


Median Salary
– U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics


Projected Job Growth Over the Next 10 Years
– U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics


in Best Engineering Jobs
– U.S. News and World Report

Graduate Mechanical Students at a Glance

Mechanical engineering is a highly diverse discipline that ranges from the aesthetic aspects of design to highly technical research and development.

Guide Development
Engineers and scientists who, responding to the specific needs of their industry across the spectrum of special domains listed above, need to acquire skills so that they may effectively guide the development of technologies which will enhance product quality and business opportunities

Personal & Professional Growth
Engineers and scientists who wish to fulfill their need for personal and professional growth in the mechanical engineering domain

Continuing Studies
Engineers who aspire to academic careers and those who wish to eventually continue their studies toward a PhD degree

Career Changes
Engineers aspiring to a career change

Advance Degree
Current undergraduate engineering students and alumni who desire an opportunity to continue their studies for an advanced engineering degree at Fairfield University

Requirements & Curriculum

Required Courses

Engineering Applications of Numerical Methods
Seven Concentration Courses
Thesis I (for Thesis Option track)
Thesis II (for Thesis Option track)

Students following the non-thesis option will select two additional courses for a total of 27 elective credits.

Students will select an academic advisor and secure approval of the program director.

Visit our our for detailed course descriptions and more information.

Five-Year BS/MS Program In Mechanical Engineering

This concentrated program prepares students for constantly evolving needs for innovation in engineering design and development, across all technological and economic sectors. Graduates of the program will be awarded a BS and an MS in Mechanical Engineering. The undergraduate degree, BSME, will maintain its ABET accreditation. Students follow the standard undergraduate curriculum for the first three years, and then complete the BS degree requirements during their fourth year while taking graduate courses. During the fifth year the students take an additional eight courses to complete their MS degree. Graduates of the program will have mastered the knowledge and tools they need to create the next generation of Mechanical Engineering solutions to technological and societal problems.

See the Mechanical Engineering Five-Year Dual Degree Bachelor and Master of Science Program and course descriptions.

School of Engineering & Computing Admission

Applicants for the MS in Mechanical Engineering must hold a bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited college or university (or the international equivalent) in science or engineering, or its equivalent, in the general area of mechanical engineering. Those with work experience in a technology environment, whose academic and professional record suggest the likelihood of success in a demanding graduate program will also be considered.

Latest Mechanical Engineering News

The Cutting Edge: Sriharsha Sundarram, PhD, Researches New Topologies

Associate professor of mechanical engineering Dr. Sundarram conducts research involving triply periodic minimal surface structures.

More Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÒÅÆ MS in Mechanical Engineering

Career & Professional Opportunities

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Career & Professional Opportunities

Through Fairfield's MS in Mechanical Engineering program, you'll develop skills that can be directly applied to your current or future career, including:

  • Analytical skills
  • Computer aided design and analysis
  • Use and application of latest software engineering tools and application to real engineering
  • Validation, prototyping, and verification of models and simulation
  • Case studies of real engineering product design/development
  • Team working skills
  • Technical report writing skills

Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÒÅÆ's MSME graduates have gone on to diverse professional fields including:

  • Aerospace - design, development, products
  • Quality control and Reliability
  • Project development and management
  • Control systems, materials and mechanics, manufacturing

Graduates hold titles such as:

  • Product engineer
  • Design engineer
  • Development engineer
  • Product manager
  • Manufacturing engineer
  • Quality engineer
  • Reliability engineer
  • Materials engineer
  • Thermal engineer
  • Energy engineer
  • Plant engineer
  • R&D engineer
  • And more!

Learn about how Fairfield's Career Center can support your post-graduate goals, and how Fairfield's tight-knit alumni network can build career and mentoring opportunities that last a lifetime.

Visit the Career Center

Diversity and Inclusive Excellence

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Diversity and Inclusive Excellence

Four Students sitting together talking to each other in common srrea 

As a Jesuit, Catholic university, Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÒÅÆis dedicated to diversity and inclusion; to radical hospitality in service of racial, social, and economic justice.

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School of Engineering Update

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School of Engineering Update

We invite you to view the School of Engineering Update, a year in review of School of Engineering News.

Faculty & Administration

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Faculty & Administration

The faculty and administration of Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÒÅÆ’s School of Engineering is a community of professional engineers and leading-edge scholars who are dedicated to research and passionate about teaching.

Meet the Faculty

Frequently Asked Questions

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Applications are reviewed by the Graduate Admission Committee.

The GREs are not required. We do look closely at your academic record and other application materials. Generally, we like to see that you have at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA. If your GPA is lower than 3.0 but you would like us to consider your application, you may include with your application a statement that explains your GPA and why you are confident you will be able to maintain the required 3.0 GPA in your graduate studies.

Tuition and fees for Fairfield's graduate programs

Our programs are designed to accommodate students who want to attend either on a full-time or part-time basis. Students who are fully employed will find the scheduling of our courses compatible with their work requirements.

Most of our courses are offered in the evening and a few are offered on the weekends. Weekday courses generally meet once a week for three hours. Weekend courses tend to be full day courses that meet for four or five weekends or weekend days over the semester.

We keep our classes small. The typical maximum class size is 20, but class sizes range from less than 12 to 20.

Our students come from a variety of undergraduate backgrounds, which adds to the richness of our interactions in class. An undergraduate degree specifically in engineering is not required, but exposure to technology through employment is useful.

For students who attend part-time, the time will vary based on how many courses are taken at a time. Students who attend full-time take 9 credits each semester and can complete the program in 2 years. All students are required to complete their degree within 6 years after they begin their first course.

To be considered for financial aid, Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÒÅÆ requires students to complete a FAFSA form. For further information on financial aid, visit the Office of Financial Aid.

A limited number of part-time assistantships are available to assist promising and deserving students.

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